Most consumers who already utilize solar energy to provide for their household electricity consumption understand the cost savings benefit of eliminating electricity expenses.
Our Trinity™ strategy coupled with our proprietary Electric Vehicle and Solar Savings Multiplier™ demonstrates that when Electric Vehicles are paired with Solar to power both transportation and electricity consumption needs, that combination becomes an Energy Multiplier™. As a result, these consumers directly benefit from being able to capitalize on a Power Multiplier™, being able to power both their Electric Vehicles and their homes or businesses. Additionally, these consumers also directly benefit from being able to capitalize on a Charge Multiplier™, being able to Charge Free and Clean™ with Solar for their homes and businesses, and Recharge Free and Clean™ with Solar for their Electric Vehicles and Battery Energy Storage. This results in an Environmental Multiplier™ effect as a result of eliminating both gasoline and electricity dependencies. To recap, consumers that are Energy Positive can leverage an Energy Multiplier, a Power Multiplier, a Charge Multiplier and an Environmental Multiplier. In doing so, Energy Positive consumers will also realize a Savings Multiplier™.
As discussed in the Energy Matrix, this is where green, also the color of money, comes into play. Using Solar Energy alone (light green) to realize solar savings is already a compelling value proposition. The Multiplier model illustrates both Electric Vehicles and Solar as a winning financial strategy that becomes an Savings Multiplier™ (vibrant green) for consumers’ finances when compared to Solar Energy alone.
The differentiation in Solar Savings alone versus the Electric Vehicle and Solar Savings Multiplier is illustrated as follows: